Cowboy Challenge & Horsemanship Show

Cowboy Challenge & Horsemanship Show

Classes judged based on handling, control of direction, speed and gait while completing a pattern to demonstrate partnership with maximum effectiveness and minimal effort.

English and Western classes (in hand and mounted). Divisions include: leadline, w/t, w/t/l/c.

Show you are registering for:
First Name
Last Name
Are you a member of the HOA or a boarder at the SDCEA?
Rider's Name
Rider's Name
First Name
Last Name


Class #1 English and Western - Walk/trot/lope/canter
Extra credit question (a verbal question to test your horsemanship knowledge)
Class #2 Western - Walk/trot/lope
Extra credit question (a verbal question to test your horsemanship knowledge)
Class #3 English or Western - Walk/trot with cones
Extra credit question (a verbal question to test your horsemanship knowledge)
Lead Line
Cowboy Challenge

Additional Fees

Grounds Fee
Drug Fee

How would you like to pay?
Release of Liability
Release of Liability: In consideration of foregoing entry, I herby release and hold harmless Joann Henrickle, San Diego Country Estates, and/or all other persons in any way connected with this show, from the liability concerning injury to mount or myself or damages to any property. I further agree to abide by all facility rules and decisions made by Joann Henrickle or San Diego Country Estates.